FAQ Alat Penanganan Material Zoho
1. What are Material Handling Tools?
Material Handling Tools refer to equipment and tools used to carry, mengangkat, move and store materials. These tools can improve work efficiency, reduce manpower consumption, and ensure safe operation. Common material handling tools include trolleys, forklift, transporters, bangau, and various types of hoists.
2. What are the main types of Material Handling Tools?
The main types of Material Handling Tools include:
Trolleys: manual tools used to carry small and medium loads.
Transporters: such as pallet trucks and lift trucks, used to carry and lift goods on pallets.
Forklifts: power-driven equipment used to lift and carry heavy loads.
Cranes: equipment used to lift and move heavy objects over a large range, such as bridge cranes and tower cranes.
Hoists: such as electric hoists and manual hoists, used to lift heavy objects vertically.
3. How to choose the right Material Handling Tools?
The following factors should be considered when selecting Material Handling Tools:
Load weight: Determine the maximum weight required for handling and lifting, and select tools with corresponding load capacity.
Lingkungan kerja: Select the appropriate tool type and size according to the space and ground conditions of the actual workplace.
Operation frequency: Consider the frequency and intensity of use, and select tools with suitable durability and performance.
Power requirements: If using electric equipment, confirm the power type and voltage requirements, and select compatible equipment.
4. What are the safety precautions for Material Handling Tools?
When using Material Handling Tools, tindakan pencegahan keselamatan berikut harus diikuti:
Jangan membebani secara berlebihan: Avoid exceeding the rated load of the tool to prevent equipment and personal accidents.
Inspeksi rutin: Check whether all parts of the equipment are intact before use to ensure that there is no damage.
Pengoperasian yang benar: Operate in accordance with the operating manual to avoid irregular use.
Menjamin keamanan lingkungan: Ensure that there are no obstacles around during operation to prevent collisions during transportation.
Perawatan rutin: Regularly maintain and service the equipment to ensure normal operation.
5. What does the maintenance of Material Handling Tools include?
Maintenance of Material Handling Tools mainly includes:
Pelumasan teratur: lubricate mechanical transmission parts to reduce wear.
Periksa pengencang: ensure that bolts, nuts and other fasteners are not loose.
Check key components: ensure that wheels, bantalan, chains, hooks and other components are not worn, deformed or damaged.
Peralatan bersih: regularly clean dust and debris on the surface of the equipment to keep the equipment clean.
Ganti komponen yang aus: replace worn parts in time according to usage.
6. What are the common faults and treatment methods of Material Handling Tools?
Kesalahan umum dan metode perawatannya meliputi:
Kesulitan operasi: check whether mechanical parts are stuck and lubricate related parts.
Abnormal noise of equipment: check the lubrication of each component to confirm that there are no loose or worn parts.
Kecepatan pengangkatan melambat: check whether transmission parts, bantalan, dll.. are worn or stuck.
Wheel of the transporter is damaged: replace the damaged wheel to ensure a smooth handling process.
7. What are the regulations and standards that need to be paid attention to when using Material Handling Tools?
When using Material Handling Tools, peraturan dan standar berikut harus dipatuhi:
Peraturan produksi keselamatan nasional dan lokal: ensure that the use of equipment complies with relevant legal requirements.
Standar industri: seperti ISO, ANSI, OSHA, dll., to ensure that the design and manufacture of equipment meet international standards.
Panduan pengoperasian dan panduan pemeliharaan dari pabrikan: operate and maintain the equipment in accordance with regulations to ensure safety and efficiency.
Layanan Pra-penjualan dan Purna Jual Zoho Hoist
Layanan Pra-penjualan
1. Konsultasi Produk
Jawab pertanyaan pelanggan: Berikan informasi produk secara rinci untuk membantu pelanggan memahami karakteristik dan penggunaan berbagai jenis kerekan dan alat pengangkat.
Dukungan Teknis: Merekomendasikan produk dan solusi yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik pelanggan, termasuk rekomendasi mengenai kapasitas beban, tinggi angkat, lingkungan kerja, dll..
2. Demonstrasi Produk
Demonstrasi di tempat: Atur para profesional untuk melakukan demonstrasi produk sehingga pelanggan dapat secara intuitif memahami fungsi dan kinerja produk.
Demonstrasi Daring: Memberikan demonstrasi dan pelatihan video jarak jauh untuk memfasilitasi pelanggan memahami produk di lokasi mana pun.
3. Solusi yang Disesuaikan
-Analisis Permintaan: Memberikan solusi pengangkatan yang disesuaikan berdasarkan kebutuhan spesifik pelanggan dan lingkungan kerja.
Desain Solusi: Rancang solusi produk yang memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, termasuk pemilihan peralatan, lokasi instalasi, prosedur operasi, dll..
4. Kutipan dan Kontrak
Kutipan Transparan: Berikan penawaran harga produk secara rinci untuk memastikan harga yang transparan dan adil.
Penandatanganan kontrak: Setelah kedua belah pihak mencapai kesepakatan, kontrak formal ditandatangani untuk memperjelas hak dan kewajiban kedua belah pihak