Нестандартный электрическая цепная таль индивидуальные модели—-чистая электрическая цепная таль была закончена. Мы стремимся предоставлять клиентам более эффективные и безопасные продукты.
Качество продукта очень важно, and the correct use can make it have a longer life. The method of use is attached below:
Step 1
Attach a connection hook to hold the hoist mechanism to the support system. Most chain hoists will come with this piece so check your tool first.
Step 2
Move the chain hoist directly below the connection hook and lift up by the hook on top of it. Set the hoist hook onto the connection hook and let it hang down.
Step 3
Place the load being hoisted under the chain hoist and straighten it out as much as possible. The more off center it is, the more twisting and straining will be put on the hoist chain.
Step 4
Wrap the hoist’s lower chains around the load below it and secure them as tightly as possible by slipping the hooked end of the chains into the furthest link on the other end of the chains. Removing this slack will make lifting the load easier and more efficient.
Step 5
Pull the hoisting chain on the front side of the hoist towards yourself with long, straight movements. Продолжайте тянуть, пока не поднимете груз настолько, насколько вам нужно, и медленно отпустите цепь..
Снова опустите груз, потянув цепь в противоположном направлении, пока она не приземлится на пол..